Sunday 18 June 2017

Understanding Cloud

It is Very Interesting Indeed to understand how Keyword Cloud got Associated with IT Infrastructure Domain. To a Layman Cloud Means what we see in the Sky :), However there is a Close Resemblence of IT Infrastructure and Cloud Today.
Cloud computing, often referred to as simply “the cloud,” is the delivery of on-demand computing resources—everything from applications to data centers—over the Internet on a pay-for-use basis. (Source:
This Means It does not Matter whether you are using a desktop computer or a Smartphone device, you will get Seamless access to Computing Resources on Cloud in a device Independent Manner. Primary Way of Connecting to Cloud Resources is via Inernet (World Wide Web)

  How Does a Cloud Look


  Image Source:

 Cloud Provides Ideal solution for Users to Focus upon the Content and Work at hand Rather than Storage. Cloud Also Manages Content Seamlessly. It Should not Matter to Consumer how and where the data is stored. What Matters is Accessability to Content on Demand in Fast and Secure Manner.

Benefits of Cloud
  1. Data Backup: You can Create Backups of Your Important Data on Cloud. This will ensure that Your Data is accessible on demand in event of Data Loss on your Personal Machine.
  2. Data Sharing: you can Share Data with Near and Dera One's in a single Action while your data is stored at Cloud.
  3. Unlimited Storage: you no longer need to Worry about local disk running out for storing files that require massive storage space.
We are Sorrunded with Cloud and Its Applications in our Day to Day Life.

  Some of Examples are as Below
  1. UBER
  2. Gmail
  3. Facebook
  4. Whatsapp
  5. Twitter
  6. Instagram
Above are Just Few Examples of Popular Cloud Applications that we use daily. Possibilities of Cloud Applications are Endless and Imporance of Cloud in Our Daily Lives is going to Grow on Daily Basis.

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